"Cyber4All" is a Cyber Security Concerned Community focusing & marching towards creation of a Safe & Secure Cyberspace Era. Our mission is to keep the community up to date with all around happenings in the Cyber World.
Regular up-to-date cyber security blogs, talks & presentation within WEEKLY CHARCHA, and WEBINAR Series along with many hands-on workshops & webinars, CYBER Awareness Activities and many more.
One can visit our official community website and there can have more ideas & insights regarding the same. Find out the Joining template. fill out the Google form mentioned within joining template..
You can send your concerns regarding C4A membership details to [email protected] or you can simply send text on WhatsApp: +919106691606
You can fill out the mentioned Google form {link} And acknowldge the ADMIN regarding your response. After the Topics & Contents validations & approval, You will be provided Scheduled for delivering your Talk/Presentation.
You can send your detailed report-wise proposal request to [email protected]. After final decisions with C4A Insiders & Approval of Core Executive Members, You will be provided response to your Proposal. You can also enquire regarding your Proposal request status on WhatsApp: +919106691606
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